Utilities & Drainage
HV Energy are specialists in offering an innovative, cost effective and high-quality contracting services to the national utilities market. We have extensive experience in the planning and installation of a full range of utility services.
Services include:
- Mains renewal and rehabilitation
- Diversions
- New connections
- Trenchless techniques, slip lining and mains bursting
- Reinstatement and specialist excavation services
- Repair and maintenance services
- Lining capability
- Specialist alternative techniques
- Sewer connections
- Reinstatement and specialist excavation services
- New service connections
- Diversion works
- Cathodic protection
- Underground cable laying from LV to 400Kv
- New service connections
- Substation civil works.
Telecoms & Fibre
- Turnkey plan, design and build of Next Generation Access infrastructure
- Network civil installation
- Network replacement and refurbishment
- Network cabling, jointing and splicing
- New service installations and repair
- Specialist support a network auditing
Contact us for a quotation! Call: 01633 533222
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